A bit about me...
Jon Wells
With over 30 years in the print industry, I have experience in digital, litho, large format, pre-press and print finishing.
My life in print stared in 1992 as the studio apprentice at Wayzgoose.
At the time Wayzgoose was one of the largest Litho print companies in Lincolnshire, renowned for its quality.
During my 17 years at Wayzgoose I acquired many skills and qualifications from darkroom work, film planning and plate making and once the industry went digital that’s when I gained my experience in drum scanning, CTP and all things “Mac”, and finally progressing to Pre Press / Studio manager.
I had a key role of setting up a new Giclee and Fine Art department, within Wayzgoose. Many of those original customers still use my services today.
As the technology in print moved on so did my skills and I got more involved in Digital printing. Gaining years of experience on Xerox and HP Indigo Digital presses, including the opportunity to train at HPs flagship training facility in Barcelona.
Even though InkyWells is a relatively new company it comes with years of experience from both traditional printing skills and the new, ever evolving digital technologies.
What I’m most proud of is the relationships and friendships that have been loyal along the way!
If you have got this far, thanks and please do contact me if you have any questions at all.